As I've gotten older, I've started buying more "investment" pieces, which means I shop less often but I'm getting more quality products. Angela & Roi is a company I recently discovered that make beautiful handbags. The company is owned by a couple, Angela & Roi, as the name suggests, who design classic style handbags that are Vegan leather. They are also all about philanthropy, so each color of bag is designed to help a specific cause. I purchased the red bag, part of whose proceeds go towards the fight against AIDs/HIV. The styles are beautiful and all bags are embossed with a Ribbon Logo as well as the name of the company. All around I feel like I am getting a quality product while also giving back to the community, and what's better than that?
Each bag comes in it's own duster bag for protection
I can't say enough about the quality of this bag!
I purchased the December clutch in Wine. I already have a wish list that's a mile long, these bags are soooo beautiful!
You can learn more and purchase from Angela & Roi
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