Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bloggers are the nicest...and other musings

Bloggers are really the nicest community of people ever. This is something I have been thinking a lot about recently as I've been noticing so many beautiful comments from people, not only on my blog but also on most of the blogs I read. The bloggers I've "met" are seriously some of the sweetest, nicest, most genuine people and I am eternally grateful to have started this adventure and gotten to read so many kind words.

That leads me to something else I've been thinking a lot about lately and that's following your dreams. This really has been the theme of the year for my husband and I. I started a blog which has been something I've thought about for years and I couldn't be happier with it. It's been such a blessing for me to be able to write and the fact that people responded positively was a plus! My husband took the leap and got his license to be a Real Estate Agent. He's always had a love for Real Estate and we've been investors for many years now (I say "we" very loosely, my hubby does most of the work). Later this year he is leaving his job to do what he loves and I couldn't be more proud of him. It's hard and even downright scary to follow your dreams, but I truly believe if you love what you do it will always lead you to brighter roads.

I've been watching a lot of videos and reading a lot of books lately on being grateful. I feel like in today's world it's so easy to loose sight of what's important or to take for granted all the comforts we are so fortunate to have. For example, I was stewing to myself the other day because I have food all over my counters because my pantry isn't big enough to hold all of it. Talk about a first world problem. It's ridiculous. I had to stop and remind myself that I should be grateful to even have the means to have all that food. And that maybe we really didn't even need it all and I really need to make a trip over to a food bank. It's important for us all to remind ourselves to be grateful and to give back where we can. None of us are perfect but it's always good to stop and remind ourselves of all we have to be thankful for.

I've also been trying to learn to be nicer to myself lately. I watched a great TedTalks by Brene Brown about vulnerability and accepting ourselves for who we are. We all have faults and it's important to be kind to ourselves. We can be our own worst critics and when we do nothing but put ourselves down, it's hard for us to accomplish anything. So it's okay that I have an extra 10 pounds going into swim suit season, I'm still gonna wear that two-piece proudly!

I hope everyone is enjoying their week and having a great start to their summer! Let me know what you've been thinking about lately.


  1. You have to follow your dreams, otherwise you will just wake up one day when your in your 40 somethings and have regrets. You can always come back to that "meaningless" job it if doesn't work out, but you have to at least try. Going into real estate is a BIG passion of mine, but is also a HUGE fear of mine as it is uncertain. I have always had that "Safe" job that I knew would pay the bills. Im grateful that I have this opportunity to give it a try thanks to my supportive wifey.

    As for that Ted Talk... Its a must watch. They are really not that long and provide great advise. I really liked this one because I don't like to be vulnerable (who does) but this has taught me that its best to embrace it. If you like this one you should check out the many others. They are great and MUCH cheaper than a therapist lol Good Post babes!

    1. I think eventually you will wonder why you didn't do Real Estate sooner! I love that you are going for it and I know you will be great! Yeah I've loved all the Ted Talks I've seen, they are really fun to watch and are a great way to remind yourself how to live positively! Thanks for the love XX -Kim

  2. I absolutely love this post!! I could not agree more about the blogger community and think going after your dreams is both terrifying and extremely exciting! :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Thanks for your comment lovely lady, love hearing from you! XO -Kim

  3. I completely agree with your thoughts on the blogging community. I thought about starting a blog for quite a while before actually doing it, and I wish I had started sooner! Everyone is so encouraging and helpful, it has really been so nice to be part of this little community!

    xo, Liz

    1. Right? I wish I had started sooner too! Love your blog cutie, thanks for stopping in! XO -Kim

  4. I couldn't agree with you more, every blogger I've "met" has been nothing but sweet, kind, and supportive. I wish women in our every day life could be more like this ;-)

    1. I agree 100%, isn't it weird? It used to be the opposite like people would be nice in person but mean behind a keyboard. Now it's the other way around. I'm grateful to have "met" all the beautiful women with their blogs! XO -Kim

  5. Kim, you said this beautifully and with compassion and sincerity. I work with a lot of women and most as not as sweet and heartfelt as dear new friends and bloggers like you. Speaking from our hearts and having others relate is such an uplifting thing. You inspire me you sweet woman and I thank you. You truly are beautiful on the outside and the inside!!! xo

    1. Andrea, I literally could have wrote this post about you. I am so sincerely grateful I've gotten to know you and you are truly an inspiration to me. You are such a sweet, genuine person and I just love getting to see parts of your family life, they are wonderful! I absolutely adore you my dear friend! XO -Kim

  6. Rainbow, you are such a beautiful, kind and wonderful person! I absolutely love reading your blog, you are such a positive and genuine person and it absolutely shows! I am beyond grateful that bloggers share such an amazing community and the women (and men) that share this forum are so supportive and encouraging of eachother. You have been such a joy to get to know, I love hearing from you in my comments and I love commenting on your blog because I truly enjoy the positivity and knowledge you share through your posts! Forever thanks for always stopping in you beautiful woman! XO -Kim
