Wednesday, December 7, 2016

December Goals

I didn't do so hot on my November goals, only managing to accomplish one kind of. The kind of is because I did start to organize and declutter a bit (see blog post here), but I did zero Christmas shopping (although I already know what I'm getting everyone, I'm just getting up the stamina to actually go out and get it!) and don't even talk to me about healthy routines right now. That being said, December is a new month and I'm forging ahead with some new goals.

1 - There's something I'm working on right now that's majorly time consuming (I'll talk more about that later) but I'm hoping to finish that up this week so I can have the rest of my month to relax. So this week will be crazy hectic but hopefully I push forward and get things done.

2 - Continue cooking dinner. So far this month I've made dinner every night, which is quite a feat for me as usually some time halfway through the week I throw in the towel and exhaustion takes over and we eat out. I haven't been doing any fancy meals or anything, but they've been home cooked and I want to continue that throughout the month.

3 - Clean out my wardrobe. To continue on from a theme last month, I really, really need to get things decluttered and I have so many things in my closet not in use so I either need to box some of it up or (more likely) donate a lot of it. It's a huge task but I need to take a Sunday, make a pot of coffee and just get to it. We'll see how it goes.

That's my goals for this month, what are you guys wanting to get done before the new year? XO


  1. That's awesome that you've been cooking every night, Kim! I love to cook but when I'm tired take out or going to a restaurant can be so tempting!

    xo, Liz

    1. I hear you loud and clear Liz! I have to sometimes force myself to do it, but I always feel so much better afterwards. I mean, on a normal month, we eat out at least half the month which is awful, so I'm really striving to be better this month! Thanks for stopping in! XO -Kim

  2. Great goals. Eating out can be so much easier but sometimes there is nothing better than a home cooked meal. Even if it's a simple one.

    1. I agree, you know all the ingredients going in and it's generally a lot healthier. Thanks for stopping in Stephanie! XO -Kim

  3. Can't wait to find out what you're working on girl!! Yay to home cookin'!! Happy Wenesday gorgeous!!

    1. Aww, thanks Andrea. It's nothing too exciting (well, it is for me) and I just don't want to jinx myself cause I'm crazy like that LOL, but I will fill you in soon! Hope your week has been great, it's almost Friday! XO -Kim

  4. My basement is still a disaster zone, and I've committed to cleaning it over christmas break. Fingers crossed! Hope you reach all your goals this month, girl! :)

    1. I hope you get that done, it's always such a great feeling to get our goals accomplished, but sometimes life just happens so we keep pushing forward. Thanks girl, hope you've had a happy week! XO -Kim

  5. If it makes you feel better, I've not done my Christmas shopping either ! I really need to do it! It's really hard finding the time to go out and get everything sorted :) It's brilliant that you're cooking dinner every night !

    lots of love, Marianne xxx

  6. Good luck with all of your goals my gorgeous friend, I recently tidied my wardrobe and it made me feel so much better!I hope you are well beautiful lady!

    Ella xx
