Monday, January 9, 2017

January (2017) Goals

Clearly my blog has gotten off to a rocky start. Although I fully intended to blog all last week my year started off with a terrible cold, so c'est la vie and here I am in week two getting my bearings. Now I'm feeling much better and really ready to get my year off the ground so what better way then to start out with my monthly goals? Last month I managed to complete all 3 of my goals. I finished up school early in the month so I was able to stress less (Although my test is this month to get certified), I cooked way more at home then usual and I did a pretty good clean out of my wardrobe so I'm happy about my progress.

This month I want to focus more on goals that will start my year off positive.

1. First I want to write in my gratitude journal every day. I'm currently reading the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and he suggests writing in your journal in the morning. I like the idea of starting my day out grateful and so I've been trying to incorporate this into my morning routine. So far, so good. I want to continue this all month so it really becomes a part of my daily routine every morning.

2. Eat breakfast. I've never, ever been a breakfast person, aside from a cup of coffee. I know the studies, I know it's healthy, I know the importance for your mind and body to function better, I've just never had the time. Now that I do, I'm hoping to incorporate a healthy breakfast into my mornings.

3. Read every day. Even a few pages. Even 1 page. I want to get back into daily reading. There's just something about reading everyday that makes me feel sharper and my communication skills better. This might be all mental, but I definitely feel like I function on a higher plane when I'm reading often.

What do you guys have planned for the start of your year? How's January treating you so far? Let me know what your resolutions are, I'd love to hear them! XO


  1. Oh I do hope you are feeling much better pretty girl! I'm a breakfast eater but sometimes it doesn't happen until 9am. 3 great goals that I know you can do and will feel much better! ;-) Have a great start to your week sweet friend!!

    1. I am thankfully feeling so much better my sweet friend! That is great, I have never eaten breakfast, I think it's because I don't like most breakfast foods so it's just a matter of figuring out what I'll actually eat, but I'm determined to do it! I hope you had a wonderful Monday gorgeous! XO -Kim

  2. Hope you feel better Kim! We had a lot of sickness in our household over Christmas break so I can relate. And these are all great goals! I used to be so bad for skipping breakfast when I was younger, but It really does make all the difference in keeping me energized when I eat a good breakfast. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much Cara, I'm feeling much better! It's definitely been going around, a lot of people I know are sick! I definitely have seen a positive difference when I have eaten breakfast, I've just never been able to do it consistently so this month I'm definitely going to try. I hope you're doing well my sweet friend! XO -Kim

  3. I love your reading goal...and hope you start feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks so much Deena, it's one I for sure want to stick to and keep up! Hope you are having a great start to your week! XO -Kim

  4. I hope you feel better soon girlfriend, it's been going around and sickness is fo fun! I'm not a breakfast eater and that's one thing I do need to change. All attainable goals you have set and I'm sure you'll do great. Feel better soon, hope all is well with the new gig. XO!

    1. Thank you sweet friend, I am thankfully feeling much better so I'm grateful for that! I have never been a breakfast eater and I definitely want to get into that this month. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Aww, thank you my sweet friend, it's been good so far! I hope you are doing well and you and the family are having a great new year so far! XO -Kim

  5. The daily reading is a great goal - I think you'll totally make it happen! Glad to hear you're feeling better girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Thanks so much sweet friend! I am definitely going to try to keep it up, I have so many books I want to read too so that helps! Hope you are having a great week so far! XO -Kim

  6. I'm two weeks late too so don't worry hehe , we moved house on the 23rd december and couldn't get anyone to fit wifi before today ! I'm taking inspiration from you this year and doing monthly goals as they're more managable and that makes it easier to suceed ! I love your idea of reading everyday, that's definitely something that I'd like to get back into :)

    lots of love, Marianne xxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm glad to know I have good company in being late haha. I hope the move went well! Now that your wifi is set up I hope that's the last of the moving process for you! I am happy to hear you're doing monthly goals, can't wait to follow along as I get tons of inspiration from other monthly goal makers and I find it motivates me more for sure! Thanks for stopping in lovely, I hope you had a happy new year! XO -Kim

  7. Great job accomplishing your goals from last month Kim! Daily reading for pleasure and eating breakfast should really be at the top of my list of goals for the month/year too. I hope you have a great rest of your week!

    1. Thanks Katie! Yes, let's do these goals together LOL! I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful day! XO -Kim
