Friday, August 26, 2016

Feel Grateful Friday #2

Yay! It's Friday! It's the time for us to reflect and see what we've felt grateful about this past week. As always, share with me in the comments what it is you've been thankful for!

- Coffee : Always coffee but seriously super grateful for it this week ... you know, end of vacation blues and all that make me super duper tired!

- Vacation : That brings us to my vacation. I am so thankful that I was able to go away for a week. Everyone needs time to recharge and it was the perfect time for me as things are getting crazy busy on the home front.

- Friends : I am so grateful to have the kinds of friends who love me even when I'm not my nicest, perkiest self. I had a friend who let me vent for a good 15 minutes earlier in the week. I love her, she's the best, and I totally owe her for letting me rant like a lunatic!

- Driving : It's not often I get to drive into work, but getting to sleep in that extra hour is something that I used to take for granted but now I am so, so, so thankful for! I'm all about helping the environment but every once in a while a girl's gotta get her beauty rest!

I'm excited to hear from you guys, hope you all have had a wonderful week and have a happy weekend! XO


  1. I love how your gratitude exudes from your words as I know it is coming directly from your sweet heart Kim!! I am so glad you got Refresh and Recharge with a vacation and that you're surrounded by such wonderful people and lots of coffee, LOL! I hope you have a glorious and relaxing weekend sweet, beautiful friend! xo

    1. You are the best my beautiful friend! I hope you have a wonderful, fun-filled, happy loving weekend! I adore you! XO -Kim

  2. Friends and venting are the best thing ever! I'm grateful for bedtime.

  3. Coffee is important and friends that are there for you at your best and worst are always the best kind of friends. :)

  4. Coffee is important and friends that are there for you at your best and worst are always the best kind of friends. :)

    1. I agree, coffee seriously keeps me going! That's true,those friends are the best! Thanks for stopping by lovely! XO-KIM

  5. Ah this is such a lovely post - Coffee is my ultimate best friend haha, slightly addicted I might add!

    Hope you're well and having a wonderful weekend :)

    Layla xx

    1. Thank you so much layla! Same for me, coffee is life lol. Hope you had an amazing weekend! XO -Kim

  6. Great post lovely! I'm 100% with you on being grateful for coffee! I hope you have a great weekend gorgeous!

    Ella xx

    1. Thank you so much ella! Does not surprise me as we are twinsies. Hope your weekend was fantastic! XO-Kim

  7. It sounds like you had a lovely vacation Kim! Hopefully you feel recharged and rested. Glad that you were also able to sleep in last week, if only for an extra hour. It's amazing what an extra hour of sleep will do for a person! I hope you have a lovely week ahead!

  8. I hope you've been having a lovely Summer Kim :) It's so lovely that you've taken the time to share what you're thankful for, I'm definitely thankful for coffee haha xxx
