Thursday, December 3, 2015

November Wrap Up and December Goals

Holy guacamole, it's the last month of the year already! With Christmas fast approaching it will be the New Year before we know it. How did you guys do on your goals for last month? I think I only actually completed one of my goals in November, but with it being holiday season and me busy at work, the coffee shop and family stuff, there wasn't much time not to stress out. I did get back to my Vivofit, which was awesome for me this last month since I've been stuffing my face with all the treats. Aside from that, the rest of my goals were a complete fail, which happens, because we're only human. So let's get on to a new month and a fresh set of goals.

1. Okay, we did get pictures taken for Christmas cards, but that's as far as we got, so the hubs and I really need to hustle to get them picked out, edited and printed so we can get those suckers in the mail. If I, in fact, accomplish this goal, you'll definitely get a sneak peek on the blog. Fingers crossed we can get organized enough to do it!

2. Finish up my Christmas shopping by the 15th. I think this is pretty reasonable as I've got most of my shopping done for friends and family but I've been known to be a Christmas Eve shopper so I'm definitely trying to get it done earlier this year. Does anyone else feel the struggle?

3. Take 1 day off to literally do nothing. I'm not talking a weekend, or even 1 day a week, I'm talking one whole day this month. I think I can manage that and it's much needed right about now, so here's hoping I stick to this one!

4. Go on a date. I feel like it's been forever since the hubs and I actually went on a date...I think maybe our anniversary was the last time? So well over a month. That's just ridiculous. I definitely need a date night with my main (and only) squeeze.

Those are my goals for this month, they seem reasonable enough but so did last months so I need to make sure I'm checking back to this list often to actually remember what goals I've set out to achieve. What are your goals for the month of December? XO


  1. I love the idea of taking one day to do nothing at all. I think I might follow your lead on this one and fit that into my goals. Also date night is always a good idea. We don't get to do this as much as we'd like to but we made the effort a week back and had such a good night with food and giggles. I think this should be a more regular goal of my own! xx

    Moany Mouse | Scottish Lifestyle Blog

    1. I think it's so important every once in a while to literally lay in bed all day. It's good for the soul LOL. I love date nights/days. We definitely don't get to do it as much anymore and I for sure want to make more of an effort, it's always nice to spend time with loved ones! Thanks for stopping in gorgeous girl! XO -Kim

  2. I second the taking a day off to do nothing. It seems like every time I try this I end up running so many errands that it's not really a day off. And seriously where has the time gone? November zipped by.

    1. Exactly, that is always me. I tell myself that when I get a day off I'll do nothing but I always spend all day either doing stuff around the house or running errands. I need to take one day to stay in bed hahaha and isn't December when it's freezing the perfect time to do it? OMG it's going by so fast! Thanks so much for dropping in gorgeous! XO -Kim

  3. Definitely go on a date babe, there's nothing better than go out with hubby and just enjoy each other's company out doing anything you like :) Great December goals hon! I am a bit like you when it comes to Christmas shopping but I want to try and do my best not to leave it to the very last day haha. I think I got 45% of the presents ordered so that's a calming thought lol ;)
    December came super quick and I am freaking out but Christmas Eve is in 3 weeks!!!!
    Hope that doesn't freak you out, honey :D
    Anyway, massive hugs your way! Love ya!
    xox Nadia

    1. It is so nice to just enjoy your loved ones company, isn't it? I definitely want to get it all done sooner rather than later, I hate leaving things til the last minute, it seriously stesses me hahaha! Definitely feel good about most of it already being done! I'm excited it's so soon, I plan to enjoy some time off and some great food so it's a good thing! Love and hugs your way my beautiful friend! XO -Kim

  4. Oh my, do the Christmas shopping before the 20th is my goal, and even though I started quite good and have some stuff already, I fear I will not accomplish it...

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. You can totally do it girl! The fact that you already have some stuff is great! Just keep your date in mind and you'll for sure get there! Thank you so much for stopping in lovely lady! XO -Kim

  5. Oh my goodness Kim you made me realize that I really need to take that day off and I think that's going to be coming up soon! To do absolutely nothing because I am always go go go! I actually took today off work to do shopping because Fridays can be nuts and I got a lot of it knocked off my list, almost done. I think you're goals are very reasonable and attainable and whether you make them or not you're still an outstanding an amazing person, Not to mention beautiful as can be!

    1. Yes girl, take a day off and pamper yourself! I think (especially as women!) we are always on the go taking care of everyone and everything relating to family and home so even on our "days off" we are doing something. We all need a day where we sit back, watch Christmas movies, drink some wine and just do nothing! I hope you do get that soon and you sound just like me! There are times I've taken of work to get something done because I know other days will be too busy! Good for you for getting your list knocked out, I'm almost there so I think I'll make my goal! Thank you so much my beautiful sweet friend, you are amazing! Love and hugs your way! XO -Kim

  6. You definitely deserve a day to do nothing gorgeous and I love that you want to make time for dates with your husband that's so lovely! I hope you are well my gorgeous friend and are looking forward to the weekend!

    Ella xx

    1. Ella, you are so sweet, I love seeing your comments, you always brighten my day! Happy Anniversary to you and Dan, that is so much fun, I hope you guys do something fun, or at least enjoy eachother that day! Love you beautiful friend, take care!!! XO -Kim

  7. Rainbow, I'm expecting you to take a day off too lady so you better take care of yourself! This time of year can get crazy! We need to definitely give ourselves a break! Love you my gorgeous friend! XO -Kim
