Monday, June 6, 2016

June Goals (2016)

I did pretty good on my May goals but it was because I was forced to quite frankly. With us moving this month I definitely did quite a bit of (late) spring cleaning and organizing. Since our house was staged for a lot of the month I was fairly good at keeping everything in its place. It helped that the hubs was helping out a lot since he was doing all the showings. I, however, failed at my 3rd goal as I did next to no meal prep and still ate pretty unhealthily all month.

This month is going to be fairly rocky with moving, but I'm definitely going to try to get back into some sort of routine to help keep my sanity, if nothing else.

1. My first goal is to get back into riding to work. I've considered doing a whole post on this but I've worked up quite a bit of riding anxiety these past few months that I'm really wanting to fight through, so I need to get back on that bike.

2. My second goal is to have one date night with the hubs. It's sad that I'm already having to put this into a goals post, but honestly we get so caught up in work we skip this one, and it needs to be forced upon us, even if it's through my blog.

3. My final goal for the month is to spend at least one of the days of our upcoming vacation poolside doing nothing. I don't know how reasonable that really is, as we are traveling with friends, but since it's a dreamy notion, I'm shooting for it anyway.

That's what I have planned for the upcoming month. What are you guys looking to accomplish? XO


  1. I can't believe June is here - how quickly time is flying by!! Perfect months ahead!!! :)

    Layla xx

  2. I didn't realized you moved! Life can be TOUGH during that process- so props to you for getting anything done, you're a hero in my book LOL. I've really fallen off the eating well train...BAD. I was sick for two weeks then on vacation and now I have no excuses so I need to step it up! Hope June goes great for you friend!

  3. I did not realize you were moving either sweetie, oh my goodness so much work and I hope it's all falling into place for you. So cool you guys know real estate and your hubby could show the house! Yay for upcoming vacations and hopefully things settling down this month. I hope you have a super start to your week my beautiful Kim!

  4. I definitely want to do date nights more often! Used to have them every Saturday, but we're both so busy now also, which is a shame!

    Thirteen Thoughts

  5. Riding to work is such a fantastic way to stay healthy I really hope you achieve this one ! Date nights are so important but it can be difficult to fit in but a gentle reminder is always a good way to get there :)

    lots of love, Marianne xxx
